Monday, December 14, 2009

Got me laptop back. :D

This stupid blog keeps changing the purple to black!
UGH! Imma beat the shizz outta blogspot, yo!

I'm calm. Somewhat.

Mactle, guess what?!
Today we went to this video shoot thing for The Promise Hero's song Winning or Losing
aaaaand I'm never going to forget the lyrics to it for the rest of my life.
Try listening to a song over and over and over again for three hours straight.
Yeah, never forgetting those lyrics.

But it was ridiculously fun and we met a bunch of new people (some annoying, some with silent numbers in their name.) I'm not even sure if it was was more like "funday"
Get it? Fun-day? Like fun instead of sun and....
What? Lame joke? Okay. Yeah, I'll stop.

Time to type about shizz that happened this week:

1. Algebra class sucked so I told my teacher I had to leave because of a doctor's appointment. Him being a new gullible teacher bought it. Me: one. Algebra Teacher: zero.

2. My dad decided to freak out over nothing and lock all my personal belongings in a gun case.  I love you too, daddy dearest.

3. I found out that if I tell myself "Everything's gonna be okay." it will be. Hence my good testing grades.

4. To make having full-fledged conversations with myself less of an oddity I began calling the other half of myself "Schmeggie." That's less odd...right?

5. I convinced my algebra teacher to give me another "homework point" after I told him a long, complicated story about how there was an orangatun in my chimney. Me: two. Algebra Teacher: still stupid.

6. I suddenly got tired of typing on schblog schpot and ended it with a band of the day...

Band Of The Day!

Sooo, I noticed we haven't done The Rocket Summer yet.
Here you go.
One of the best band/guy's on the face of the Earth galaxy.

Off to Choir Rehearsal...

-Meggie :)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Winning or Losing!

Yo, it's Annnnnnnnnna :) Notice the 10 n's in there...

So, I just got back from doing a music video shoot with a little band called The Promise Hero for their song "Winning or Losing."  It's really a great song, and you should know that that's a genuine comment because I still like it even after hearing it for practically 3 hours straight :)
Anyways, they needed extras for their video, and so Megan, Meena, and I piled in Megan's mom's car to drive down to the Grog Shop.

It was a great time.  We met a bunch of new people.  It was fun. :D

By the way, sorry I haven't blogged in forever, Meggie.  I feel kind of bad knowing that this blog isn't very good after I waited so long to post it.

I'm having a lot of difficulty planning shows lately, since I found out that Take Action tour is 2 days after the Friday Night Boys which is 3 days after This Providence... Also, TA is 9 days before Four Year Strong.
This is complicated :P

Aaaand, I keep forgetting to put things on my Christmas list and it's getting really close to Christmas and it's very frustrating. :P

We had a movie night at my house yesterday (it happens a lot).  We got Monsters Vs. Aliens, Coraline, and Julie & Julia.  I didn't have a great movie night though, because during Monsters Vs. Aliens I decided to take my shower because it was slow-moving.  Then during Julie & Julia, I fell asleep.  Guess that one wasn't very exciting either.  We didn't have a chance to watch Coraline.  I think I'll watch it after we eat dinner in a few minutes :)

Well.... this was just supposed to be a quick blog about shizz... and I don't feel like typing anymore.
Not so much sleep + dancing for 3 hours = Tired Laddie. :)

That's all, folks.  Haha, I like saying folks.  It makes me feel like Ed Sullivan or Jamie Tworkowski ;D



Band of the day: (obviously) The Promise Hero

See that one on the right there? That's Bobby, my new best buddy. hahaha ;)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cherry Coke Zero or Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi? Question of life.

Meggie's the name; Sarcastic remarks are the game.

So, just for a heads up:
I'm still grounded.

How am I making a new blog then you ask?
Nobody ever grounded me from my mom's laptop.
So, welp, here I am. :)

I also noticed that the last blog entry is the one of me stating that I was grounded.
and thaaaaaat means Laddie is a stupidhead and didn't blog. at all.

If anyone sees Laddie in a grocery store or something (if you don't know what she looks like she has red hair and talks as if her name is Brian.) find the nearest banana and chuck it at her head. I'm giving you permission.

A little off topic now but I want you to spell banana in your head. Does anyone else hear Gwen Stefani singing it to you. No? I'm just weird? Okay, nevermind.

Blech. Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi is disgusting. I'm a Cherry Coke Zero kind of girl. In case you were wondering.:)

I kinda look like a hobo today. Alright, I guess you can take out the kinda.
I'm currently wearing an oversized forest green "Ohio" sweatshirt and navy blue pajama pants that have little fisherman on them.

I'm not really in the mood to write something witty or even something semi-entertaining today so I guess this is where we part.

Goodbye Mactle and non-existent reader.
Hope I don't see you later. or ever.
With a little bit of love but not much,

Band Of The Day! :D

This Providence...
Pretty men with cool accents that like to dress up as wizards.
That's basically it.
Listen to them!
Listen to My Beautiful Rescue or A Wolf In Sheeps Clothing!
(don't listen to the renovated version of My Beautiful Rescue, it's not nearly as good. -NP)
Tis the best.

Monday, November 30, 2009


Just got grounded.
It's gonna be a while.
Goodbye for now Mactle/Life&Pizza/Blog.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

How do you title a blog?

Heyooo! :)
Allow me to start by saying that if Meggie is reading this I will try to capitalize my 'I's but sometimes I just forget because I don't like capitalizing a single letter.
Okay, now that that's out of the way, here's my ten:

1. I'm still in my pajamas.  The same ones I was in yesterday.  This is why I love Thanksgiving Break.

2. My aunt's dog has been staying with us for all of break because their family is in Minneapolis.  She was supposed to leave today, but now she just called to tell us she won't be home til tomorrow so we get Brimmie for one more night.  This wouldn't usually be a problem, but my dad is the one who will be here all day tomorrow with the dogs... alone. We'll see how that works out. :P

3. I was introduced to the ShuttleCraft Boat, which right now sounds like one of the stupidest things I've ever heard of.  It's a jet ski that pulls up into a boat, and you drive the boat and the jet ski all at once.  What the heck?

4. I tried capitalizing every 'I' that I write. Note to Meggie: This is waaaay harder than it looks.

5. We've been watching Christmas specials on TV since around 6 o'clock... none of them have been good Christmas specials... at all.  The first one was about Santa's family, which was his daughter named Kristin and his other daughter named Rudolpha.  It was horrible.  And then we watched some other one about a kid and a guy and a news reporter... I don't even know how to explain it.

6. My mom made me listen to more of that horrid book-on-tape she's listening to. That was still really creepy/weird because it's taking this lady like 24 hours to drag her dead mother that she killed in a bathtub in a shed, back into the house and the 96-year-old neighbor who cooks dinner at 5 o'clock every day keeps calling even though she should be cooking dinner. Wow.

7. I didn't do any laundry like I usually do on Sundays.  I told myself that there is only 3 weeks and 2 days of school left until Christmas Break, and that if I manage my clothing-wearing efficiently, I can make it until then without washing any clothes.  haha, what a joke.  Somewhere around Wednesday night I'll discover I have no clean clothes left and freak out and do laundry.

8. I ate two bowls of Life cereal, and I didn't get sick.  It was monumental.  I love Life cereal. :D

9. I promised myself that this list of 10 things about my day will become more exciting once I can write about our eventful days at school.

10. I remembered that we have to go to school tomorrow.  Right after listening to Mr. Schdavis yell at Schpectrum about how much he thinks they suck, I have to present my Biology slideshow about endangered Red Wolves :P

I don't really know what else to talk about.  This whole blog thing is not as easy as it seems.
Oh Holy God.  We ran out of milk.  Now I have to go solve this crisis.

-Laddie : )

P.S.: I agree with Meggie that I'm stupid and on Twin Atlantic being Band of the Day today.  However, I have to say that I think Four Year Strong's beards own any other band's beards. :D

^I mean, come on, no one else's beard beats these ones.  Nothing Personal :D

P.S.2: Hii, Meggie!  Sorry if me changing the font size so much bothers you. ;) and the color hahaha 

This Semi-Charmed Kind of Life.

'Ello, it's Meggie here.
Meggie Moo Leggie Margarita Marie to be exact.
Meggie Moo Leggie Margarita Marie Birkenstock Blue-Sky Arsonist Harvey to be really exact.
But that doesn't matter, does it?

I'm watching Peter Pan right now, in case you were wondering.
Oh, and if Laddie is reading this: Capitalize your i's. It's kind of really annoying. Just Sayin'.
I'd tell you I'm not a grammar freak but then I'd be lying.

So, this is strange writing to no one in particular.
It'd be easier if I named this blog.
(something other than "Life and Pizza.")

How about Mactle?
That's a good/odd name.

So...Mactle, I'll tell you about everything that's gone on today.

1. I painfully awoke after a terrible night of sleep with an axe sticking out of my stomach. I quickly yanked it out and slowly started to die of both internal and external bleeding...Okay, not really. But I did wake up with a stomach ache.

2. I pondered about how my life would be different if I grew up with a British accent.

3. I concluded that everyone would hate me; My British accent sounds like a ferret on crack at the Outback Steakhouse.

4. I defied reality and swam through the air.

5. Lost my pink bunny slippers.

6. Made a good attempt at boiling perogies. I took them out too early and choked on a frozen chunk of potato. My dreams of being a famous world-known chef were tossed into the trash, along with my soggy and semi-frozen perogies.

7. I found my pink bunny slippers.

8. My dad checked my arm for heroin track marks and I told him he was a stupid-head and I was never going to talk to him again.

9. I talked to him again 5 minutes later to remind him I hated Pizza Hut pizza. He ordered Pizza Hut pizza.

Holy shizz.
Is Peter Pan an elf?!
Since when has Peter Pan been an elf?!!

10. My philosophy on life was altered when I did in fact find out Peter Pan is an elf. I have now been in a catatonic state of shock for a whole 12.3 seconds. I'm not even sure if I used catatonic in the right context. That's how shocked I am.=P

I'm gonna stop typing now before I start rambling.

But first I'm gonna throw a band into the bottom of the page so I'm cooler than Laddie.;)

Just look at that creepy facial hair, the girlish v-necks, and the determined yet sentimental looks!
Why wouldn't you want to listen to them?
Haha, I promise they sound good.:)


Saturday, November 28, 2009

I don't care what Meggie says. I am the queen and she is the peasant and that ends it.

"Tragedy has struck... We are out of peanut butter." -Alex Gaskarth

:) Ello!  I've just spent the last ohh... 2 hours or so doing extremely repetitive biology homework, so i figured this would help me become less insane.

Right now, i think it might be easier if i post ten random things about my day... huh, well i guess that was yesterday. Sure. :P  Maybe that's how i'll start all my blogs. Here it goes:

1. I felt really good all day today because i woke up at noon after not sleeping for 26 hours. :)

2. I learned to play Scrabble the real way.  The way i used to play was just the "Ophie and me in summer gym making stupid words with letter tiles" version, but my mom and brother taught me the real way.

3. I actually thought Scrabble was really difficult at first and threatened to quit many times.  And then we played again and i won :D

4. I've been in my pajamas aaaaall day :)

5. After waking up at noon, i ate a lovely salad at 12:30. I don't believe in categorizing my food by meals... if that makes sense.

6. All day, my biology homework about cells hung over my head. I finally did it and it took me into tomorrow. (which is today...)

7. I came to the conclusion that PicNik is better than LunaPic.  End of story.

8. Because of the whole "i'm not going to see Mayday Parade" misery thing i had goin' on, i figured i'd give myself a break and listen to the Friday Night Boys.  I still am.  They are one of my favorite bands.

9. I found an awesome twitter account called OMGFacts and it is awesome!

10. I broke the little plastic clip off my favorite mechanical pencil. :( It bummed me out for a while, then i got over it and threw it away hahaha

That's pretty much how my day went.  It wasn't really that exciting.

Hey! So...
My mom always reads (err... listens to) these books on tape in her car around town, because she hates the radio and thinks books are more interesting.  She started a new one today.  Let me begin with this: If i don't choose her books for her, the woman picks the worst ones in the world.  Well, i wasn't with her when she ordered this one, so i was slightly weirded out when i got in her car and heard some of it.  It was about this lady who was like 49 and killed her own mother because she (the mom, not the lady) had dementia... the really psychotic thing about it was that the whole thing started with the mom pooping her pants because she lost a ceramic bowl with flowers painted on it that her husband used to crack pistachio nuts into. So i guess her daughter just killed her.  Wow.

Well, that's the end of that story.  I think i might try to get some sleep now...
ha. That was a lie. Never mind.  Let's go with i think i'm going to go write in my new notebook now.  That sounds better. Ta ta for now!

-Laddie :)

Band of the Day: The Friday Night Boys

Just... figured i'd test out the picture thing while i was at it :)

Meggie owns Laddie at life.

Just clarifying.;)


Laddie is always at the top, peasant!

Just figured I'd clarify that. :)


Friday, November 27, 2009

There be a raisin in my slipper.

It's Meggie again.
I felt the need to post once more so mine's at the top; not Laddie's.

Current song: The Maine's cover of Pour Some Sugar On Me.

The title wasn't a lie or a grammatical error.
There is a raisin in my slipper, though I have a good guess as to why.
You see, when I slip into a severe case of boredom I have a tendency to throw raisins at my walls.
Don't ask me why, but if you try it you'll find it to be highly amusing.

Let's discuss the high points of my/our day since I have nothing better to do.

1st: I got two new CD's and the crappiest cup of coffee I've ever had in my entire existence. Peppermint Mocha Latte my butt. It was a steaming heap of dog shizz.
(You'll notice I say shizz, fizz, dizz, etc. alot. Cussing is overrated.)

2nd: I went to my grandma's house for Pizza Day and she repeatedly punched me in the arm for not thinking her favorite comedian was funny. (For the record I still don't think he's funny.)

3rd: Laddie and Ophie came over for zee pizza and tolerated my family without showing any signs of violence. (Don't know how they managed.)

4th: We went on an adventure in the woods to see if J.Cook was still on the tree. They chickened out halfway through so I had to go in by myself and get viciously attacked by thorns. J.Cook wasn't there. Though I'm pretty sure there were creepers lurking in those trees.

5th: Ophie concluded that she saw a creeper go into the trees.

6th: I made a blog. And got pretzel crumbs on Laddie's head.

7th: This is dedicated to all the stupid things we did/said that I'm not going to mention.

There you go.
-Meggie :]

Ohh... cool.

Hi, my name is Laddie.  Well, really it's not, but who cares?

Meggie is bad at explaining things.  Here it goes:  We're trying to blog.  Like everything we try, it took us forever to figure out and still probably no one will read it.  It'll turn out just like the penpals, adventure goals, and missions to get organized.

Then again, maybe it won't turn out that way, because at least we've gotten as far as to create a page.  That's way further than the getting organized missions ever got.

Alright, so... let's do this!  :D
(note: I'm smile happy... pretty much all the time.)

Sooo... we're gonna take this little box-like thing here and write things in it about our lives. Of course, these lives aren't the most exciting ones ever, but there is some pretty cool things that we manage to find/do/make up in them. hahaha. Who am I kidding?

I was just experimenting with this... we'll see how it goes. :P

-Laddie :)

P.S. I like Meggie's post about the Summer Set.  People are starting to see the light. Woo!.... hah.

Love Like This.

Tis Meggie.

"Because we're never gonna be as young as we are tonight."

I'm currently embracing the album Love Like This and I'm pretty sure it's starting to piss off everyone in my household. Just how I like it.;)

It's insane to think that I talked to Brian Dales on the phone.
It would be even cooler if people actually knew who he was.
Just Sayin'.

This whole blog thing is a little awkward.
Is anyone actually gonna read this?
Probably not.

Oh, no.
I'm answering my own rhetorical questions.
Not that I'm a doctor or anything but I'm pretty sure that's the first sign of insanity.

I should probably stop typing before I make myself anymore clinically insane than I already am.
I guess this is goodbye.