Sunday, November 29, 2009

How do you title a blog?

Heyooo! :)
Allow me to start by saying that if Meggie is reading this I will try to capitalize my 'I's but sometimes I just forget because I don't like capitalizing a single letter.
Okay, now that that's out of the way, here's my ten:

1. I'm still in my pajamas.  The same ones I was in yesterday.  This is why I love Thanksgiving Break.

2. My aunt's dog has been staying with us for all of break because their family is in Minneapolis.  She was supposed to leave today, but now she just called to tell us she won't be home til tomorrow so we get Brimmie for one more night.  This wouldn't usually be a problem, but my dad is the one who will be here all day tomorrow with the dogs... alone. We'll see how that works out. :P

3. I was introduced to the ShuttleCraft Boat, which right now sounds like one of the stupidest things I've ever heard of.  It's a jet ski that pulls up into a boat, and you drive the boat and the jet ski all at once.  What the heck?

4. I tried capitalizing every 'I' that I write. Note to Meggie: This is waaaay harder than it looks.

5. We've been watching Christmas specials on TV since around 6 o'clock... none of them have been good Christmas specials... at all.  The first one was about Santa's family, which was his daughter named Kristin and his other daughter named Rudolpha.  It was horrible.  And then we watched some other one about a kid and a guy and a news reporter... I don't even know how to explain it.

6. My mom made me listen to more of that horrid book-on-tape she's listening to. That was still really creepy/weird because it's taking this lady like 24 hours to drag her dead mother that she killed in a bathtub in a shed, back into the house and the 96-year-old neighbor who cooks dinner at 5 o'clock every day keeps calling even though she should be cooking dinner. Wow.

7. I didn't do any laundry like I usually do on Sundays.  I told myself that there is only 3 weeks and 2 days of school left until Christmas Break, and that if I manage my clothing-wearing efficiently, I can make it until then without washing any clothes.  haha, what a joke.  Somewhere around Wednesday night I'll discover I have no clean clothes left and freak out and do laundry.

8. I ate two bowls of Life cereal, and I didn't get sick.  It was monumental.  I love Life cereal. :D

9. I promised myself that this list of 10 things about my day will become more exciting once I can write about our eventful days at school.

10. I remembered that we have to go to school tomorrow.  Right after listening to Mr. Schdavis yell at Schpectrum about how much he thinks they suck, I have to present my Biology slideshow about endangered Red Wolves :P

I don't really know what else to talk about.  This whole blog thing is not as easy as it seems.
Oh Holy God.  We ran out of milk.  Now I have to go solve this crisis.

-Laddie : )

P.S.: I agree with Meggie that I'm stupid and on Twin Atlantic being Band of the Day today.  However, I have to say that I think Four Year Strong's beards own any other band's beards. :D

^I mean, come on, no one else's beard beats these ones.  Nothing Personal :D

P.S.2: Hii, Meggie!  Sorry if me changing the font size so much bothers you. ;) and the color hahaha 

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