Sunday, November 29, 2009

This Semi-Charmed Kind of Life.

'Ello, it's Meggie here.
Meggie Moo Leggie Margarita Marie to be exact.
Meggie Moo Leggie Margarita Marie Birkenstock Blue-Sky Arsonist Harvey to be really exact.
But that doesn't matter, does it?

I'm watching Peter Pan right now, in case you were wondering.
Oh, and if Laddie is reading this: Capitalize your i's. It's kind of really annoying. Just Sayin'.
I'd tell you I'm not a grammar freak but then I'd be lying.

So, this is strange writing to no one in particular.
It'd be easier if I named this blog.
(something other than "Life and Pizza.")

How about Mactle?
That's a good/odd name.

So...Mactle, I'll tell you about everything that's gone on today.

1. I painfully awoke after a terrible night of sleep with an axe sticking out of my stomach. I quickly yanked it out and slowly started to die of both internal and external bleeding...Okay, not really. But I did wake up with a stomach ache.

2. I pondered about how my life would be different if I grew up with a British accent.

3. I concluded that everyone would hate me; My British accent sounds like a ferret on crack at the Outback Steakhouse.

4. I defied reality and swam through the air.

5. Lost my pink bunny slippers.

6. Made a good attempt at boiling perogies. I took them out too early and choked on a frozen chunk of potato. My dreams of being a famous world-known chef were tossed into the trash, along with my soggy and semi-frozen perogies.

7. I found my pink bunny slippers.

8. My dad checked my arm for heroin track marks and I told him he was a stupid-head and I was never going to talk to him again.

9. I talked to him again 5 minutes later to remind him I hated Pizza Hut pizza. He ordered Pizza Hut pizza.

Holy shizz.
Is Peter Pan an elf?!
Since when has Peter Pan been an elf?!!

10. My philosophy on life was altered when I did in fact find out Peter Pan is an elf. I have now been in a catatonic state of shock for a whole 12.3 seconds. I'm not even sure if I used catatonic in the right context. That's how shocked I am.=P

I'm gonna stop typing now before I start rambling.

But first I'm gonna throw a band into the bottom of the page so I'm cooler than Laddie.;)

Just look at that creepy facial hair, the girlish v-necks, and the determined yet sentimental looks!
Why wouldn't you want to listen to them?
Haha, I promise they sound good.:)


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